
The manufacturer of the goods under Caimantm is Caiman Production Group LLC, Ukraine, Kyiv – the leading manufacturer of razor wire and barbed barriers of various types. The Caiman trademark implements Egoza-Caiman barbed wire, spiral and flat safety barriers, Caiman barbed mesh, Caiman barbed-cutting network and other types of protective barriers.

We have all the necessary equipment and devices for the full cycle of production of Concertina razor wire. We made Egoza barbed tape on modern punching equipment, equipped with specially designed stamps. The design of stamps for Egoza barbed tape allows you to make a tape with cutting edges of increased sharpness, and at the same time not to damage the protective zinc coating of steel. Rolling razor wire is carried out on automatic lines and allows you to get a Caiman barbed wire, which has high strength and efficiency. Winding Caiman spirals also carried out automatically.

Manufactured Caiman barbed wire and barriers are sent to the warehouse, from where they are delivered to our customers either with the help of specialized delivery services (Novaya Pochta and others) or individually with our or hired transport. If necessary, our specialists can perform installation of Caiman barbed wire on objects of any complexity anywhere in the country. For all products and work performed, a long-term guarantee is given, since we are confident both in the quality of our products and in the high qualifications of our installers.

Full cycle – from the production of barbed wire to the installation of razor wire obstacles